Anatomy Tables - Carotid Sheath, Pharynx, & Larynx


Bone/Cartilage Structure Description Notes
(N8, N9,N11, TG7-06, TG7-07)
the bone forming the posterior surface of the skull it articulates superolaterally with the parietal bones through the lambdoid suture, anteroinferiorly with the temporal bone and anteriorly with the body of the sphenoid bone
pharyngeal tubercle
(N6, N8, TG7-06)
projection located anterior to the foramen magnum attachment site for the superior pharyngeal constrictor m.
(N6, N8, TG7-06)
hard palate concave vaulted structure whose space is filled by the tongue when at rest
(N6, TG7-07, TG7-08)
an irregularly shaped bone forming the central portion of the skull it has many parts, including a body, greater wing, lesser wing and pterygoid plates (Greek, sphenoid = wedge-shaped)
medial pterygoid plate
( N6, N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
thin plate of bone that projects posteriorly from the pterygoid process it is the attachment of the superior pharyngeal constrictor m. & the pharyngobasilar fascia (Greek, pterygoid = wing-shaped)
pterygoid hamulus
(N6,N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
hook-like projection from the inferior end of the medial pterygoid plate it acts as a pulley for the tendon of the tensor veli palatini m. (Greek, pterygoid = wing-shaped; Latin, hamus = hook)
(N48,N49,N6, TG7-08, TG7-43, TG7-44)
located in the body of the sphenoid and are separated by a bony septum; the sinuses make the sphenoid fragile (Greek, sphenoid = wedge-shaped)
(N13, N77, TG7-09, TG7-25, TG7-26)
a "U"-shaped bone consisting of several parts: body, 2 greater horns, 2 lesser horns the hyoid bone ossifies completely in middle life; the body articulates with the greater horns via cartilage and with the lesser horns via fibrous joints prior to ossification; an important site for muscle attachments (suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscle groups) (Greek, hyoid = U-shaped)
body the middle portion of the "U"-shaped bone the body of the hyoid bone articulates with the greater horns posteriorly
greater horn (cornu) posteriorly directed limbs of the "U"-shaped bone each greater horn articulates with the body and lesser horns anteriorly; origin of middle pharyngeal constrictor m. and hyoglossus m.
lesser horn (cornu) articulates with the greater horn at its junction with the body the inferior end of the stylohyoid ligament attaches to the lesser horn
arytenoid cartilage
(N77, N81, TG7-27, TG7-28)
a pyramid shaped cartilage located on the superior margin of the cricoid lamina paired; each is connected to the epiglottis above via the aryepiglottic m. and to the thyroid cartilage anteriorly via the vocal ligament; paired arytenoid cartilages are pulled together (adducted) by the arytenoid m. (Greek, arytenoid = pitcher appearence, in certain animals, these two cartilages were noted to resemble the mouth of a pitcher with a large spout)
vocal process projects anteriorly to provide attachment for the vocal ligament
cricoid cartilage
(N77, N81, TG7-22, TG7-25, TG7-27, TG7-28)
the inferior & posterior cartilage of the larynx; it forms a complete cartilaginous ring; its arch projects anteriorly and its lamina is broad and flat posteriorly connected: above to the thyroid cartilage via the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage, to the conus elasticus, to the arytenoid cartilages which sit atop the lamina; connected below to the first tracheal ring via the cricotracheal ligament (Greek, cricoid = a ring form)
thyroid cartilage
(N77, N81, TG7-22, TG7-25, TG7-27, TG7-28)
the large anterior cartilage of the larynx; it has several parts: laminae (2), superior horns (2), inferior horns (2), oblique line, superior thyroid notch, connected above to the hyoid bone via the thyrohyoid membrane; connected below to the cricoid cartilage via the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage; connected posteriorly: to the arytenoid cartilage via the vocal ligament and thyroarytenoid m., to the epiglottic cartilage via the thyroepiglottic ligament; it tilts anteriorly to increase the length of the vocal ligament and raise the pitch of the voice
lamina a broad flat plate of cartilage forming one side of the thyroid cartilage; two laminae fuse anteriorly in the midline to form the thyroid cartilage the laryngeal prominence is the line of fusion of the two laminae; each lamina is connected superiorly to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid membrane (Latin, lamina = a thin plate)
superior horn the rounded, superior projection of the posterior border of the thyroid lamina it is connected superiorly to the greater horn of the hyoid bone by the lateral thyrohyoid ligament
inferior horn the rounded, inferior projection of the posterior border of the thyroid lamina it is connected inferiorly to the cricoid cartilage by the cricothyroid articulation (a synovial joint)
oblique line ridge which descends diagonally from superior to inferior on the lateral surface of the thyroid lamina a line of muscle attachment
laryngeal prominence the line of fusion of the thyroid laminae known to the lay person as the "Adam's apple"; the laryngeal prominence is a secondary sexual characteristic - in postpuberal males the angle of the laryngeal prominence is approximately 90o and in females the angle is approximately 120o
superior thyroid notch the notch at the superior end of the laryngeal prominence it is connected to the hyoid bone by the median thyrohyoid ligament
(N77, N81, TG7-22, TG7-25, TG7-27, TG7-28)
the superior part of the larynx epiglottic cartilage is covered by a mucous membrane (Greek, epiglottis = the mouth of the windpipe)

Joints of the Larynx

Joint or ligament Description Notes
cricoarytenoid joint
(TG7-27, TG7-28)
located between the bases of the arytenoid cartilages and the superolateral surfaces of the cricoid lamina allows the arytenoid cartilages to slide toward or away from one to another, to tilt anteriorly and posterorly, and to rotate
cricothyroid joint
located between the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage point of movement for the cricothyroid m., which flexes the larynx


Muscle Origin Insertion Action Innervation Notes Image
constrictor, superior pharyngeal
(N65, N75, TG7-21, TG7-22, TG7-24)
medial pterygoid plate, pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, mylohyoid line of mandible pharyngeal tubercle and midline pharyngeal raphe constricts the pharyngeal cavity vagus (X), via pharyngeal plexus none
constrictor, middle pharyngeal
(N65, N75, TG7-21, TG7-22, TG7-24)
lesser and greater horns of hyoid bone and inferior part of the stylohyoid ligament midline pharyngeal raphe constricts the pharyngeal cavity vagus, via pharyngeal plexus none
constrictor, inferior pharyngeal
(N65, N75, TG7-21, TG7-22, TG7-24)
oblique line of thyroid cartilage, lateral surface of cricoid cartilage midline pharyngeal raphe constricts pharyngeal cavity vagus (X), via pharyngeal plexus, with aid from superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves most external of the three pharyngeal constructor mm.
(N65, N67, TG7-21, TG7-24)
medial side of styloid process superior border of thyroid cartilage and also into the pharyngeal wall elevates the larynx glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) stylopharyngeus, the only muscle innervated by IX, is the only pharyngeal muscle NOT innervated by vagus (X) nerve
(N28,N29,N31, TG7-13)
oblique line of thyroid cartilagelower border of hyoid boneelevates larynx; depresses/stabilizes hyoid boneC1&2 fibers running with hypoglossal nerve that leave XII anterior to the superior root of ansa cervicalisthyrohyoid lies deep to the sternohyoid
cricoarytenoid, posterior
( N82, TG7-28)
posterior surface of the lamina of the cricoid cartilage muscular process of arytenoid cartilage draws the muscular process posteriorly, abducting vocal folds inferior laryngeal nerve, from recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve (X) posterior cricoarytenoid is the sole ABductor of the vocal cords
arytenoid, transverse
( N82, TG7-28)
posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage posterior surface of contralateral arytenoid cartilage draws arytenoid cartilages together, adducting vocal folds inferior laryngeal nerve, from recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve (X) arytenoideus is considered one muscle with oblique and transverse parts
arytenoid, oblique
( N82, TG7-28)
muscular process of arytenoid posterior surface of contralateral arytenoid cartilage, near apices draws arytenoid cartilages together, adducting vocal folds inferior laryngeal nerve, from recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the of vagus (X) arytenoideus is often considered one muscle with oblique and transverse fibers
( N82, TG7-27)
inner surface of the thyroid cartilage anteriorly lateral border of the arytenoid cartilage draws the arytenoid cartilage forward, relaxing and adducting the vocal folds inferior laryngeal nerve, from recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve (X) its subsidiary parts are the thyroepiglottic m. and the vocalis m.; the medial most fibers of thyroarytenoid that insert along the vocal ligament are called the vocalis muscle
lateral cricoarytenoid
( N82, TG7-27)
arch of the cricoid cartilage muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage draws the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage anteriorly, which pivots the arytenoid cartilage and adducts the vocal folds inferior laryngeal nerve, from the recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve (X) an antagonist of the posterior cricoarytenoid m.; the arteries that supply the larynx anastomose within the larynx to supply the mucous membranes and muscles
( N82, TG7-26)
arch of the cricoid cartilage inferior border of the thyroid cartilage draws the thyroid cartilage forward, lengthening the vocal ligaments external branch of superior laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve (X) this is the only intrinsic muscle of the larynx that is not supplied by the recurrent laryngeal n.; ALL other laryngeal muscles are innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve, via its inferior laryngeal branch


Nerve Source Branches Motor Sensory Notes
(N71, N125, N130, N131, TG7-20, TG7-21, TG7-90)
medulla: spinal trigeminal nucleus from superior ganglion (GVA); nucleus solitarius from inferior ganglion (SVA); nucleus ambiguus (GVA); inferior salivatory nucleus (GVE preganglionic parasympathetic) tympanic nerve to tympanic plexus & lesser petrosal n., carotid sinus n., stylopharyngeus brs., pharyngeal brs. GSE: stylopharyngeus; GVE: secretomotor to parotid gland (preganglionic parasympathetic via tympanic n. to lesser petrosal n. to otic ganglion, postganglionic parasympathetic via auriculotemporal n.) GVA: carotid body & sinus, pharynx, middle ear; GSA: skin of external ear; SVA: taste from posterior 1/3rd of tongue also known as: CN IX, 9th cranial nerve; passes through jugular foramen; may penetrate the stylopharyngeus m.
(N126, TG7-20, TG7-21, TG7-91, TG7-92)
medulla: dorsal nucleus (GVA & GVE preganglionic parasympathetic) from inferior ganglion, nucleus ambiguus (SVE); spinal trigeminal nucleus (GSA) from superior ganglion; nucleus solitarius (SVA) from inferior ganglionauricular br., pharyngeal br., superior laryngeal, superior & inferior cervical cardiac brs., recurrent laryngeal, thoracic cardiac brs., brs. to pulmonary plexus, esophageal plexus, anterior & posterior vagal trunksSVE: intrinsic muscles of larynx, pharynx (except stylopharyngeus), & palate (except tensor veli palatini); GVE: smooth muscle of respiratory tree & gut (proximal to splenic flexure), heart; secretomotor: mucous glands of larynx, respiratory tree, pharynx & gut, digestive glandsGSA: skin of external auditory meatus; GVA: viscera of head, neck, thorax & abdomen proximal to splenic flexure; SVA: taste to epiglottisalso known as: CN X, 10th cranial nerve; passes through jugular foramen; (Latin,vagus = wanderer, because of its wide distribution to the body cavities)
(N71, N127, TG7-18, TG7-93)
cranial root: nucleus ambiguus; spinal root: spinal nucleus of upper cervical spinal cordcranial root joins vagus; spinal root ascends through foramen magnumGSE: sternocleidomastoid and trapezius mm.also known as: CN XI, 11th cranial nerve; passes through jugular foramen; accessory n. is motor only; proprioceptive fibers reach sternocleidomastoid via C2&C3 and trapezius via C3&C4 (subtrapezial plexus)
(N71, N128, TG7-21, TG7-94)
medulla: hypoglossal nucleusbranches of C1&2 carried by this nerve are not considered to be branches of the hypoglossal nerveintrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue (except palatoglossus m.)also known as: CN XII, 12th cranial nerve; passes through the hypoglossal canal; superior root of ansa cervicalis travels with the hypoglossal n.
superior laryngeal
(N74, N75, N76, TG7-21, TG7-26)
vagus (X) internal & external brs. cricothyroid, inferior pharyngeal constrictor, secretomotor to mucous glands of larynx above vocal folds mucous lining of larynx above vocal folds external br. supplies cricothyroid m.; all other intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
inferior laryngeal
(N74, N75, N76, TG7-21, TG7-26)
recurrent laryngeal br. of vagus (X) all muscles of larynx except cricothyroid: thyroarytenoid, oblique & transverse arytenoid, posterior & lateral cricoarytenoid, aryepiglottic, thyroepiglottic, vocalis; secretomotor to mucous glands of larynx below vocal fold mucous lining of larynx below vocal fold continuous with recurrent laryngeal at inferior border of cricopharyngeus
recurrent laryngeal
(N74, N75, N76, TG7-21, TG7-26)
vagus (X) esophageal brs., tracheal brs., cardiac brs., pharyngeal brs., inferior laryngeal n. upper esophagus, lower pharynx, laryngeal ms. (except cricopharyngeus); smooth muscle of trachea; secretomotor to mucous glands in upper esophagus, lower pharynx, larynx below vocal fold, trachea; cardiac muscle of heart (slows rate, decreases force of contraction) upper esophagus, lower pharynx, larynx below vocal folds, GVA from heart right recurrent loops posteriorly around right subclavian a.; left recurrent loops posteriorly around aortic arch & ligamentum arteriosum; inferior laryngeal br. supplies all intrinsic muscles of the larynx EXCEPT cricothyroid m.
sympathetic trunk, cervical
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
preganglionic sympathetic via ascending fibers from T1-T5postganglionic sympathetic via gray rami communicans to cervical spinal nn.; internal & external carotid nn.; cervical cardiac brs.dilator pupillae m.; vascular smooth muscle; arrector pili muscles & sweat glands of head and neck; heart & lungspain from visceralocated parallel & lateral to vertebral bodies in neck; there are no white rami communicans at cervical levels
ganglion, superior cervical
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
preganglionic sympathetic via ascending fibers from T1-T5postganglionic sympathetic via gray rami communicans to cervical spinal nn. C1-4; internal & external carotid nn.; cervical cardiac br.dilator pupillae m.; superior tarsal m.; vascular smooth muscle; arrector pili muscles & sweat glands of head and neck; heart & lungspain from visceralocated lateral to vertebral bodies C1-3 in neck; there are no white rami communicans at cervical levels
carotid plexus, external
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk, via external carotid n. distributes along external carotid artery brs. vascular smooth muscle, arrector pili muscles, sweat glands of face & upper neck postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers use arteries as roadways to enter the head and neck (Latin, plexus = a braid)
carotid plexus, internal
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic trunk, via internal carotid n. most distribute along the internal carotid artery brs., although deep petrosal n. is an exception vascular smooth muscle of brain, orbit, forehead, upper nasal cavity; arrector pili muscles of forehead & ant. scalp; sweat glands of forehead; dilator pupillae & superior tarsal mm. postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers use arteries as roadways to enter the head and neck (Latin, plexus = a braid)
ganglion, middle cervical
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
preganglionic sympathetic via ascending fibers from T1-T5postganglionic sympathetic via gray rami communicans to cervical spinal nn. C5-6; cervical cardiac br.vascular smooth muscle; arrector pili muscles & sweat glands of neck and upper limb; heart & lungspain from visceralocated lateral to vertebral body C5 or 6 in neck; there are no white rami communicans at cervical levels; often lies near inferior thyroid artery
ganglion, inferior cervical
(N129, N130, TG7-15, TG7-95)
preganglionic sympathetic via ascending fibers from T1-T5postganglionic sympathetic via gray rami communicans to cervical spinal nn. C7-8; cervical cardiac br.vascular smooth muscle; arrector pili muscles & sweat glands of upper limb; heart & lungspain from visceralocated lateral to vertebral body C7 in neck, or fuses with 1st thoracic ganglion to form cervicothoracic or stellate ganglion
pharyngeal plexus of nerves
(N71, N125, N130, N131, TG7-20, TG7-21, TG7-90)
pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and sympathetic trunk pharyngeal brs. all muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus) via vagus; mucous glands (vagal parasympathetic) and blood vessels (sympathetic) of pharynx oropharynx (glossopharyngeal) and laryngopharynx (vagus) stylopharyngeus m. is innervated by glossopharyngeal n.


Artery Source Branches Supply Notes
common carotid
(N31,N32,N33,N34, TG 7-19, TG 7-71)
brachiocephalic trunk (right), aortic arch (left) external & internal carotid (terminal brs.) most of head & upper neck common carotid a. bifurcates at the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage; carotid sinus & body located at bifurcation
internal carotid
(N69, N136, TG7-72)
common carotid none in the neck; in the head: ophthalmic, post. communicating, ant. & middle cerebral (terminal brs.) brain, eye, forehead primary blood supply to the brain; anastomoses with vertebral aa.
external carotid
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-71)
common carotid superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, post. auricular, maxillary & superficial temporal (terminal brs.) upper neck, face & scalp primary blood supply to face & superficial head
superior thyroid
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-13, TG7-14, TG7-25)
external carotid infrahyoid br., sternocleidomastoid br., sup. laryngeal, cricothyroid br., ant., post. & lat. glandular brs. thyroid gland, upper larynx, infrahyoid muscles, sternocleidomastoid
ascending pharyngeal
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-71)
external carotid pharyngeal brs., inf. tympanic, post. meningeal pharynx arises from the medial side of the external carotid a. close to the birfurcation
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-71)
external carotid suprahyoid br., dorsal lingual brs., deep lingual, sublingual tongue, suprahyoid muscles, palatine tonsil (Latin, lingula = tongue)
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-31, TG7-71)
external carotid ascending palatine a., tonsilar br., submental a., sup. & inf. labial as., lat. nasal br., angular a. lower part of palatine tonsil, submandibular gland, facial muscles & fascia its angular branch anastomoses with the ophthalmic a.
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-71)
external carotid sternocleidomastoid brs., auricular br., mastoid br., descending br., occipital brs. lateral & post. neck, post. scalp anastomoses with deep cervical; joins greater occipital nerve posteriorly
superior laryngeal
(N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-13, TG7-14, TG7-25)
superior thyroidupper larynx internally
inferior laryngeal
(N74, N75, N76, TG7-21, TG7-26)
inferior thyroid lower larynx internally


VeinTributariesDrains IntoRegion Drained Notes
internal jugular
(N74, TG7-73)
formed by the union of the sigmoid & inferior petrosal sinuses; tributaries: pharyngeal vv.; lingual, common facial, sternocleidomastoid, superior & middle thyroid vv.brachiocephalic v.brain & skull, face, viscera of necklargest vein of the head and neck (Latin, jugulum = throat)
pharyngeal plexus
(N73, TG7-73)
small veins on the walls of the pharynxinternal jugular v.pharynx


Organ Location/Description Notes
carotid sheath
(N35A,N35B, TG7-10, TG7-13)
fascial investment that extends from the base of the skull to the root of the neck blends anteriorly with the investing and pretracheal layers of fascia and posteriorly with the prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
carotid bifurcation
(N31,N32,N33,N34, TG 7-19, TG 7-71)
point at which common carotid artery splits into external and internal carotid, usually at the level of upper border of thyroid lamina location of carotid body and sinus
carotid body
(N131, TG7-90)
small reddish-brown ovoid mass that lies on the medial side of the carotid bifurcation serves as a chemoreceptor that monitors the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
carotid sinus
(N131, TG7-90)
a slight dilation of the beginning of internal carotid and upper common carotid artery serves as a baroreceptor that reacts to changes in arterial pressure
pharyngobasilar fascia
(N67, TG7-21)
blends with the periosteum of the base of the skull and defines the limits of the pharyngeal wall in its superior part penetrated by the passage of the auditory tube into the nasopharynx
(N37, N66, TG7-22, TG7-43)
posterior opening of the nasal cavities into the nasopharynx (Latin/Greek, choanae = a funnel-shaped hollow in the brain)
soft palate
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
the movable posterior third of the palate, which is suspended from the posterior border of the hard palate
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
conical process that is the posteroinferior extension of the soft palate (Latin, uva/uvula = a grape)
(N67, TG7-21, TG7-23)
connects nasal & oral cavities with larynx & esophagus divided into 3 parts: nasopharynx, oropharynx & laryngopharynx
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
connects nasal cavity with oropharynx; located posterior to posterior nasal apertures and superior to pharyngeal isthmus (soft palate & posterior wall of pharynx) contains torus tubarius, pharyngeal recess, pharyngeal tonsil
torus tubarius
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
mucosal fold covering the anteromedial end of the auditory tube cartilage torus tubarius projects toward the midline from the lateral wall of the nasopharynx (Latin, torus = knot)
pharyngeal recess
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
posterosuperior to the torus tubarius pharyngeal tonsil may extend variably into the pharyngeal recess
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
conical process that is the posteroinferior extension of the soft palate (Latin, uva/uvula = a grape)
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
connects: anteriorly with oral cavity through oropharyngeal isthmus (palatoglossal arch), superiorly with nasopharynx through pharyngeal isthmus (posterior margin of soft palate), inferiorly with laryngopharynx at superior margin of epiglottis contains palatine tonsil in tonsilar bed between palatoglossal & palatopharyngeal arches
palatoglossal fold
fold of mucosa covering the palatoglossus m. palatoglossal fold marks the anterior boundary of the tonsillar fossa or bed of the palatine tonsil
palatopharyngeal fold
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
fold of mucosa covering the palatopharyngeus m. palatopharyngeal fold marks the posterior boundary of the tonsillar fossa or bed of the palatine tonsil
(N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
connects: superiorly with oropharynx at superior border of epiglottis, anteriorly with larynx through laryngeal inlet (epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, arytenoid cartilages), inferiorly with esophagus at lower border of cricoid cartilage contains piriform recesses lateral to aryepiglottic folds
lateral glossoepiglottic fold
located between base of tongue & epiglottis lateral to valleculae epiglottica
median glossoepiglottic fold
located between base of tongue & epiglottis separates the paired valleculae epiglottica
piriform recess
(N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
located lateral to aryepiglottic folds (Latin, pirum = pear + forma = form)
(N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
connects: superiorly with laryngopharynx at lower border of cricoid cartilage, inferiorly through diaphragm at t10 vert. level to reach stomach; upper third is skeletal muscle innervated by recurrent laryngeal lower 2/3rds is smooth muscle innervated by vagus via esophageal plexus
laryngeal inlet
(N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
pathway through which the laryngopharynx communicates with the larynx
(N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
located anterior to laryngopharynx at level of C4-6 vert.; composed of thyroid, cricoid, epiglottic, arytenoid, cuneiform & corniculate cartilages contains vocal ligaments
vestibular fold
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
mucosal fold located between laryngeal vestibule & ventricle also known as: false vocal fold
vocal folds
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
mucosal covering of vocal ligament & thyroepiglottic muscle (vocalis part) located inferior to laryngeal ventricle
laryngeal ventricle
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
lateral diverticulum of larynx located between false & true vocal folds (or vestibular fold & vocal fold)
laryngeal vestibule
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
part of larynx, located below epiglottis between aryepiglottic & vestibular folds lateral wall contains quadrangular membrane (submucosa)
quadrangular membrane
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
submucosal lining of the laryngeal vestibule
glottis the opening or space between the vocal folds glottis and rima glottidis are used interchangeably
infraglottic cavity the portion of the laryngeal cavity that lies inferior to the vocal folds; it is bounded superiorly by the glottis and opens inferiorly into the trachea receives sensory innervation from inferior laryngeal n.
supraglottic cavity the portion of the laryngeal cavity that lies superior to the vocal folds; it is bounded inferiorly by the glottis and opens superiorly to the laryngopharynx at the laryngeal inlet receives sensory innervation from the internal branch of superior laryngeal n.
aryepiglottic fold
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
cover aryepiglottic muscles between lateral margin of epiglottis & arytenoid cart.
conus elasticus
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
elastic submucous membrane attaching on upper margin of arch of cricoid cart. thickened upper margin is vocal ligament (Latin/Greek, conus elasticus = elastic cone-shaped structure)
vocal ligaments
(N67, N80, N81, N82, TG7-22, TG7-27, TG7-28)
located in larynx within (true) vocal folds; connect inner anterior surface of thyroid cart. to vocal process of arytenoid cart.; represents thickened superior margin of conus elasticus vibration creates sound; brought together by arytenoid & lateral cricoarytenoid ms., moved apart by posterior cricoarytenoid ms.
thyrohyoid membrane
(N29, TG7-14, TG7-25, TG7-26)
connects the superior border of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone, suspending the larynx penetrated by the internal branch of superior laryngeal n. & superior laryngeal a.


Structure Location Afferents from Efferents to Regions drained Notes
tonsil, pharyngeal
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx lymphatic vessels of the wall of the pharynx superior deep cervical nodes "guards" the entrance to the nasopharynx part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer); known as adenoids when inflamed
tonsil, palatine
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
lateral wall of the oropharynx between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches lymphatic vessels of the posterior tongue and palatoglossal/palatopharyngeal arch region superior deep cervical nodes, especially the jugulodigastric node "guards" the entrance of the oropharynx part of the tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer); often referred to as "the" tonsils
tonsil, lingual
(TG7-22, TG7-23)
superior surface of root of tongue lymphatic vessels of the root of tongue and valleculae epiglottica superior deep cervical nodes "guards" entrance of oropharynx part of tonsillar ring (of Waldeyer)

Clinical Terms

Term Definition
tonsillitis inflammation of the palatine tonsil
quinsy an extension of a tonsillar infection that leads to a peritonsillar abscess formation behind and above the tonsil
tonsillectomy surgical removal of the palatine tonsils. Lingual tonsils are also taken. Indications include airway obstruction or recurrent tonsillitis. Complete recovery is in two weeks. Adults have a significantly longer period of recovery and a much higher complication rate than children.
adenoidectomy surgical removal of adenoids or inflamed pharyngeal tonsils. Indications include airway obstruction, nasal obstruction, sleep apnea and chronic ear infections
laryngectomy surgical removal of the larynx. Most often performed in cases of laryngeal cancer
Zenker's diverticulum herniation of the mucosa of the laryngopharynx or esophagus through a defect in the wall of the muscular portion. The location is usually in the lowest portion of the laryngopharynx or upper one-third of the esophagus
Heimlich maneuver an emergency, lifesaving procedure whereby the rescuer delivers a sharp upward and inward abdominal thrust on the victim (usually from behind) in an effort to expel a foreign object from the airway

The material presented in these tables is contained in the book:
MedCharts Anatomy by Thomas R. Gest & Jaye Schlesinger
Published by ILOC, Inc., New York
Copyright © 1995, unauthorized use prohibited.
The excellent editorial assistance of
Dr. Pat Tank, UAMS
is gratefully acknowledged.