Copyright © Duke University School of Medicine
Acknowledgements The text that serves as the foundation for this dissector first began development at Duke more than forty years ago and has been in use much of the time since. The original ideas and writing come from, among others, Matt Cartmill, Bill Hylander, Rich Kay, and Kathleen Smith. Marianne Bouvier was responsible for generating new text and images as well as much of the editing of this text and images in the 1990s. The current version relies on the original version(s) but is being edited and revised by the current staff of the Gross Anatomy Courses:
Previous contributors include:
Dr. Michael Malinzak (Duke Radiology) has graciously compiled radiological images for use in the dissector. Matt Velkey ( has been responsible for development of the current web site. Daniel Schmitt (, the current course director, takes responsibility for approving all the posting of text, images, and videos.
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